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Prefecture of Aetoloakarnania

Rio and Antirio, Ancient Makynae
Two kilometres of sea separated Peloponnese from Sterea Hellas until 2004 when a monumental work, Rio-Antirio Bridge (named “Charilaos Trikoupis” after the Greek Statesman), linked the two lands. Finally, a centuries old dream became a reality. The region
Nafpaktos is the exquisite diamond set on the golden ring that is the Gulf of Corinth. A splendid, small castle-city built upon the protruding rocks of the highest peak (Rigani of 1469 m. height) of the Mountains of Nafpaktia, overseeing the blue sea.
Built almost on the banks of the Acheloos River, at a distance of only 10 km from the mouth of the river and 3 km from the Ionian Sea, ancient Oiniades are one of many ancient cities in Aetolia and Acanarnia that are mentioned in Greek myths and carry a l
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