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About the project
A new journey where Ulysses will discover places, people and activities bearing traces of the Mediterranean cultural heritage. A journey comprised of questionnaires, tests, an inventory and the study of more than 20 historical and architectural goods of the highest quality, an interactive online exhibition and a guide of the cultural and artistic events in the target areas of western Greece.

Team of collaborators:
Stavros Tsitsirides, Assistant Professor of Classical Studies at the Department of Theatre Studies, University of Patras (Scientific advisor)

Katia Savrami, Lecturer at the Department of Theatre Studies, University of Patras (Coordinator, Assistant Scientific Advisor)

Martin Kreeb, Assistant Professor of Classical Archaeology at the Department of Theatre Studies, University of Patras (Advisor in the field of Archaeology)

Antonis Kalogirou, Author - pictures

Thanos Giannakopoulos, Translator


1) Which are the most important monuments, events or historical figures that are directly related to the cultural life and/or heritage of your area?

2) Which cultural sites or events could serve as a common place of interest between Italy and Greece?

3) Please mention the names of any people (if applicable) who, in the past, have played a crucial role in the cultural dialogue between Greece and Italy.

4 Please mention the names of any people (if applicable) who could, in the foreseeable future, act as a channel through which further communication can be established between Greece and Italy.

5) Which are the most important cultural centres and/or institutions participating in events in the field of performing arts?

6) Please point out some of the buildings (monuments, churches, castles, theatres etc.) that carry elements of the Italian architectural styles.

7) Please point out industrial buildings in your area (if applicable) currently used for cultural events/activities.

The questionnaire included the above-mentioned close-ended questions, which are directly related to the aims and objectives of the research. These questions aimed to gather data in a structured and unified manner, so that it could be further processed.

The questionnaires (60 in total) were distributed among cultural institutions (20), prefectures (20) and municipalities (20) of Western Greece. The number of the questionnaires, answered and returned from the questionees, was 45, a sample that was deemed appropriate for the research.

Following the research that ensued and in close collaboration with cultural institutions, prefectures and municipalities, the research team evaluated the data and selected the 20 most important places in Western Greece that are of essential historical and cultural heritage. Each one of these places demonstrates and promotes, for different reasons, people and activities contributing to the conservation of our cultural heritage.

The implementation and the detailed recording of these places and activities were undertaken by SPEED S.A. bureau. The bureau delivered their study to the Programme co-ordinator, who evaluated and confirmed its quality.

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